Cacique Wingspread
by Judi Dressler
Cacique Wingspread
Judi Dressler
Photograph - Photography
Yellow-winged Cacique calling from a palm tree. These birds would always spread their wings while making calls; the image was taken during breeding season, so it probably had something to do with producing the best effect to woo the ladies!
Spectacular and conspicuous black-and-yellow bird of tropical lowlands in west Mexico. Favors deciduous forest and edges, plantations, and hedges with tall trees; often in towns and villages, especially near streams and rivers. Usually in flocks, moving through the canopy to feed at flowering and fruiting trees, but also feeds readily on the ground; often associates with flocks of jays. No similar species in range. Note the raised crest that flares up like a floppy fountain spray.
Photo taken on the coast of Nayarit, Mexico, on March 29, 2023.
Descriptive tags and keywords for this image include yellow-winged caciques, cacique, caciques, wingspread, yellow, black, calling, wings, palm, palm tree, yellow-winged cacique, birds, songbirds, blackbirds, black and yellow, cassiculus melanicterus, cassiculus, wildlife, nature, wild, mexico, nayarit, dressler, and judi dressler.
December 14th, 2023